
Friday, August 03, 2007

Charges over explosives find

Charges over explosives find : "Police have charged a North Melbourne man after a routine vehicle check unearthed a cache of drugs, explosives and deadly weapons in Melbourne's nightclub district early this morning."

It was a subject of animated and cheerful debate today at work because we all knew of cases where people had just dropped themselves right in it with the police. The police were going about their business and then somehow these people were being caught in possession of who knows what or guilty of something the police weren't even looking for. It was very much the police being in the right time at the right place but also being sufficiently intuitive to follow through on clues. To be honest we were delighted. It gives an indication of how fed up we are of sharing streets and roads with the few who really are bringing us and our children down. We could only think of congratulating the police on their great efforts and their obvious good training. They seem to be very confident at positive at the moment and that makes for good policing and it also means those who need to be found's just happening. We thought the police must sometimes get back to the station and be chortling themselves at what is going on. We really appreciate it.

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