
Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bus drivers caught drag-racing on camera

Bus drivers caught drag-racing on camera : "NSW Transport Minister John Watkins today warned any drivers found to have been driving dangerously or speeding could lose their licence."

Might just as well lose their licences, they have already lost their marbles. The bus drivers in Sydney have gone bananas. Who are they? Where are they from? How old are they? What on earth is the matter with them. Bus drivers behaving badly. It's not on. The union wanted the speed humps removed because they were a health hazard for drivers' backs. Now the the union is made to look foolish because the bus drivers have seriously lost it. Seriously. 196 incidents in June alone and inboxes clogged with emails itemising the incidents and concerns. I can fully appreciate there is a slow reaction to this. I mean, it is really not normal. You can't just find a whole swag of bus drivers to replace those who have gone mad. You can't easily train a number of people up to standard to take over the buses in Sydney. Then there will be the irate passengers to deal with. The drivers are speeding, drag racing,dropping people off in pedestrian areas, parking in the tunnel, smoking,slamming into walls. This is a serious personnel and safety issue. You always think of bus drivers as being steady and reliable. They've employed a security firm in the interim because they need names and bus numbers obviously but then they will have to get drivers. Where are they going to get reliable drivers at such short notice?

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