
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Electronic Birth Simulators

Delivery for Dummies: Simulators Walk Docs Through Childbirth: "A new generation of complex, electronic birth simulators are allowing medical students to practice labor and birth -- especially when there are complications."

Got this via Wired and the mind boggles. Move over Barbie! Barbie for grown ups! Given our capacity to be technical has increased dramatically, then we should be able to simulate lots of things...and I don't think I'll think about it. It is a great idea. It is hands on practice without the possibility of doing harm. It's quite a few steps ahead of the CPR dummies...advanced dummy training. I am certain they will become more lifelike, that they will become more complex and they will save lives and minimise trauma in difficlut situations...but seriously, whatever next?? The site has some informative pictures.

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