
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Circumcision cuts HIV/AIDS risk by 60pc

Circumcision cuts HIV/AIDS risk by 60pc : "'The last two [trials] were actually stopped early because they showed such a high level of efficacy, that it wouldn't be ethical to continue the trial and withhold circumcision from the control group,' he said."

Biblically speaking, circumcision was about upholding the covenant with God. Medically speaking in 2007 it seems it will prevent so much heart break. It is astounding how much it can affect the transfer of AIDS. The article says it will be challenging to change cultural and governmental beliefs. I think the figures speak for themselves and that common sense must prevail. People do change their cultural habits in the light of new knowledge and no, it's not easy, but keeping people alive to perpetuate the culture has to be important, surely?

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