
Saturday, June 09, 2007


If it's not tennis elbow, it may be 'Wiiitis' : "Wiiitis - pronounced 'wee-eye-tis' - is the latest ailment to develop from the video game era, beginning with Space Invaders' wrist in 1981, which was caused by the repeated button mashing required by the popular arcade game."

Doctors won't be recommending incontinence knickers for this wee-eye-tis. Can't believe it. Wiiitis!! Whatever next? In the sense it gets you off your backside and moving, that's a good thing. It certainly hooks the kids in the shops. They love playing the free Wii games made available to them. So it is a positive impact in that sense. I guess we'll learn to use it properly and know that this form of game addiction will hurt. Pain is a great teacher.

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