
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Parent rage pushing teachers to the edge

Parent rage pushing teachers to the edge : "Some angry parents had stormed into classes and confronted students who were bullying their child, and then violently turned on the teacher if they dared to intervene.

Female principals had been punched in the face while others were told they would be killed if they picked on a particular child."

No one else, apart from doctors, has to put up with outrageous , violent, abusive behaviour like this in their work place. This is awful. Is this how we respect education. Obviously the parents are totally uncivilised. I think school should just shut down and the teachers should stay home until the parents are prepared to treat them with respect. No one else is used and abused like this. Other countries have shut their schools. We need to. I cannot believe they have had to put up with this. Doctors have been treated like this and it is outrageous. It's why we cannot get doctors. It is not on. This has to be stopped immediately. Workplaces should be safe and civilised. This is Australia. Who do they think they are? No wonder we cannot get teachers either. It's more than the responsibility of the Education Dept. Our country should not tolerate any person in any job being treated like this.

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