
Monday, June 18, 2007

School attacks on the rise

School attacks on the rise: "'These figures are a reflection on society where violence is increasingly seen as an acceptable way to solve problems,' Ms O'Brien said."

It's odd, isn't it? The more we disapprove of violence, the more we try to counter it, the more we talk about dealing with things differently , the worse it appears to be. Is it worse or do we talk about it more? Is it worse or are we prepared to deal with it more? Is it a good sign the kids are picked up on their bad behaviour and we are starting to work out the homes and parenting are a problem? We aren't hiding anything. We aren't shoving it away. We are identifying and exploring it. I can remember when people knew of kids being abused but unless it went "too far" nothing was said or done. Now we are quite clear about not wanting child abuse and yet we seem to have so much of it. Maybe we have always had a lot but just didn't own it or report it. Maybe we had turned a blind eye. I think most people and families are okay. Most parents are on the right track but we still have the small number of kids and adults who run amok across the lives of others, and yes, they are creating problems for us we think our society is falling apart. I don't have a sense that things are falling apart for most of us. I have a sense that most of us have improved ourselves and our relationships. What I do feel is that the extremes are very extreme and very negative and destructive in their impact and that is the bit which needs to be fixed because we are not sitting comfortably with it.

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