
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Kids may need the strap

Kids may need the strap: "Child protection experts branded Mr Abbott's ideas 'dangerous' and 'draconian', warning that using violence would not teach children that violence was wrong."

I went to school with boys who got the cane. It was horrible. An awful way to treat people. The class was also disciplined by some poor boy being dragged out for some paltry reason and a window pole shoved in his stomach. Ridicule and sarcasm were constant and my classes were a constant fear fest. That taught me to hate school even though I did really well. As for the boys, it taught them how to be oblivious to pain , so when they dished it out they cared not one bit about the level of pain they created for another. Forget about canes and straps. What is wrong with a telling off? I have had some brilliant telling offs in my life. They didn't hurt me . The ones I have heard haven't hurt the person. Carpeting someone and giving them a few home truths wouldn't go astray. Oops, sorry, I forgot. The kids'll be texting their Mummies to get them to come and tell the bad teacher or policeman off. Cut the umbilical cord and stop bubble wrapping kids. Let them stand on their own two feet, stop nannying them and let them learn to make their own decisions. In year One my daughter had a teacher who kept saying "Think for yourself!". Not a bad message. She didn't have to keep asking permission to do things. She was in a safe environment so if she made an unwise decision there was back up.

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