
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Coming to streets of far-off Karachi — your stolen car

Coming to streets of far-off Karachi — your stolen car - : "EVEN Detective Sergeant Gerry Bashford, a veteran of Victoria Police's organised motor vehicle theft squad, thought it was odd the day he received a phone call from a British counterpart in Pakistan."

The global communication systems can be put to really good use and I bet the owner of the car is thrilled. People are working behind the scenes doing some really good stuff and we rarely get to know about it. This article highlights how global communications can be put to very bad use because cars and car parts are very wanted items in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. The political hotspots need wheels. Your wheels. So enterprising criminals have organised it quite nicely with our modern communications. I guess now the police are aware of it there is some chance of dealing with it. I imagine those new RFID chips could be put to good use in cases like this.

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