
Monday, June 25, 2007

Aussies in love with plastic money

AdelaideNow... Aussies in love with plastic money: "Australians were also heavy credit card users, pulling out the plastic an average of 5.4 times a week."
If we are using credit cards it's because we were encouraged to do so. There was a big push to get us away from cash and onto plastic. In certain respects it's safer for the community and shops and that was the reason behind the push. If we now depend on them it's because there was no support for cash and we have learned well. It's the paying off the card each month which is critical and the not living beyond our means. So who takes responsibility for that? The card holder, but when you see that the capacity to own a card is not restricted then you start to understand how it all falls apart. We are caught up in this profiteering economy. Shareholders and profit. An economy has to be about people and people need to be shown how to responsibly manage their expenses. No one does a lot about that. They just put fees on everything.

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