
Friday, April 27, 2007


I don't know why, other than I felt like it, I picked up a great deal last night with a fancy camera, a laptop and a printer/scanner/copier. Couldn't resist especially since my camera is now getting old and well used, my printer has printed and printed and printed and is showing signs of age and my lovely laptop has been highjacked by offspring since I put in the wireless connection. So, I sat there in my jammies playing with my new dinkie camera which is very, very clever and so neat and tidy. The other one will still be used because it uses AA batteries and that makes it very handy, but it's big and harder to carry. The printer installed itself and works like a dream...but then we got to the laptop and Vista.
Even though it said I could drop the battery in and get going, I waited till the battery was fully charged...waited and waited. Then I thought it would be like my other laptop and just start. No...we had a fancy screen telling me to wait...So I waited ...and waited and waited.

I eventually got to this wonderful blue screen...and realised I was going through a Windows installation. I waited and waited and waited.

At last, I had picked my banana palm background and Vista was loaded. Banana Palm. I ask you. So the thing had come packed with Norton and I used to love that programme but now it seems over zealous and too careful for me. Couldn't get rid of it. Still haven't. Welcome to Vista. It is very hot on control...and every time you want to do something you have to check and double check and triple check. I looked in the Users thing. Haven't been able to get the control freak under control yet!! If XP is blue, Vista is ochre. It doesn't have the big, round , bouncy kiddie feel of the XP interface but I still changed it to classic....and have since put on my own background.Loading discs was interesting. Some went straight on. Others I had to go to the files on the disc and choose the setup file myself. I know you always want what you had..and I tell you, I am so glad to be back on XP. Familiar ground. Some of Vista is very getting the Net connection. I have started to tame it and will be a whole heap happier when I can control it rather than vice versa. I want to be able to run the software I want. But I confess a lot of it is smooth, especially file transfers and big bulky jobs. Early days yet. I don't like the round and round and round circle while you're waiting...but tomorrow is another day and in a week I know I'll feel better. As for the 100 dollar cash back which was part of the deal. Forget it. The site actually thinks I am going to put my bank details up there and send it to them. There is no other option for the refund. Easy for them and I understand that. Not safe for me.

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