
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Teacher shortage set to worsen

Teacher shortage set to worsen, union says. : "The AEU says a report obtained under freedom of information (FOI) laws has revealed nearly 1,500 Victorian teachers and principals left their jobs in 2004 and 2005.

During the same period more than 900 others retired."

If you read the happiness stuff around on the Net and the things to do with positive feelings to do with work, then the two key factors are conditions and bosses. People like to work in positive conditions and they like bosses who support them. We have an aging work force so those who can retire, will because the other thing is that baby boomers have made some good financial investments. People will not stay in a job if it is making them sick and pulling them down. So, why are all our teachers leaving? Teaching is about the school, the parents, the administration , the students and the working conditions. Things which come out on the Net about teaching tend to suggest it is a job which is too demanding for young and old. Why is that? Given education, health and primary industry are the backbone of any successful nation I think we need to look at what the causes for teachers going elsewhere are. One of my friend's sons trained as a teacher and then went to Korea. When I asked why he said it was because they treated him with a lot of respect and thought he had things to teach them.

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