
Monday, April 23, 2007

Sarkozy, Royal lead presidential race

Sarkozy, Royal lead presidential race : "Projections by four polling institutions showed Mr Sarkozy leading the field with from 29 to 30 per cent of the vote, Ms Royal in second place on around 25-26 per cent and centrist Francois Bayrou in third place on around 18-19 per cent."

It's getting exciting...sort of. Saw footage of M. Sarkozy galopping around the Camargue in his dark red shirt and his sunnies. What was he thinking? Yes, it looked good, but the Camargue is not cowboy territory. Frankly, it didn't inspire me, but I'm not voting in the French elections. I prefer to think of the Camargue as the area of birds ...the eagles, hawks,vultures and ,in stark contrast, the beautiful pink flamingoes. It is a natural reserve which is startlingly beautiful. I am excited about Ségolène Royal. She is an incredibly intelligent woman and it's good to see her right up there. She is not Angela Merkl. She is not Cherie Blair.She is not Hilary Clinton. Ségolène Royal has a style and class of her own and as a working mother she understands the needs of our modern women who want to be good mothers but who do not wish to be excluded from top jobs if they can perform them. She is like a breath of fresh air whereas, from where I sit, M. Sarkozy is a well planned image. Personally, I have had time for Jacques Chirac, who has to leave because he is older now. I haven't liked all of his decisions but as an outsider I have valued his contribution to the French language and the French culture. He has made a strong effort to ensure people understand him, his nation and his culture. He speaks slowly and artculates clearly so that learners of French and translators are not put under an unnecessary burden. I guess it's old school because the Queen does it too. I think it's considerate of other people. Jacques Chirac has been also very clear about he value of French and the encouraging of the French language and culture. M. Sarkozy seems to be someone who blends cultures and Mme. Royal is very much the fresh, French vision. It's not my country and I know the French will be discussing this long, hard and indepth and whomever they choose they will have thoroughly considered it.

So if you want to follow La Presidentielle, which has been more interesting because it's not all dusty French men this time, I recommend The Observer France 24 which runs in French and English.

Et si vous parlez français et vous avez envie de vérifier si vous avez bien suivi La Présidentielle, il faut absolument tester vos connaissances sur le site Libération

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