
Sunday, April 29, 2007

SA hero in ferry rescue

AdelaideNow... SA hero in ferry rescue: "'Thank God for this fireman from Adelaide; he was amazing. I have no doubt he saved lives,' she said."

The photo of the ferry in Phuket looks really bad. It was going up in flames really quickly. Nathan Berry, an Adelaide firefighter, took control and helped 80 people to safety and that included people who couldn't speak English and he couldn't speak their language(s) and 22 Australians. The authorities in Phuket now just have to cope with the ferry and the injuries. It's astounding. Obviously he got a team effort and spirit going and that would have been critical. It just goes to show that training is critical. People who learn crisis management of one sort or another are invaluable resources wherever they go. They have a procedure to follow and it's that procedure which saves lives. He sounds pretty humble. Typical of firefighters all over the world!! They are extraordinary people.

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