
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Urgent water rethink urged

AdelaideNow... Urgent water rethink urged: "'We need a significant rise in the price of water to properly reflect its value as a precious resource and get private enterprise to invest in infrastructure, such as stormwater harvesting,' Professor Young, who is also in the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, said."

Yes, somehow the bottom line is always the user pays more. Bit of a bugga really. Truth is desalinated water and harvested storm water would cost more to produce. There has been a lot of run off we could have collected in the last couple of days and redirected to whre we needed it if we had the infrastructure in place. I have a massive rain water tank and always have had, but to put more in is not what I want...the tanks breed mosquitoes. I could do with a think that collects the stuff running to flood my BBQ area...something temporary. My water runs to the garden, the garden slopes so it's all going down hill and will feed plants and trees on the way and eventually the creek. I wouldn't want to harvest too much at home or the creek wouldn't get filled. One big tank is enough. Professor Young is correct though. All our experts need to sit dwon and work out he best plan for Adelaide and SA. So far we have had some really good initiatives. We need more.

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