
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Museum hands back Aboriginal remains

AdelaideNow... Museum hands back Aboriginal remains: "“These remains, together with those of 13 more of our people, were removed without any Aboriginal consent from Tasmania during the 1880s and we have been fighting since the 1980s for their return."

I cannot believe this of a museum. Truly. We are in enlightened times are we not? For museums to show a lack of cultural sensitivity is quite startling. It means the aborigines are still having to wait for mediation to get 13 of their people back because the London wants to do scientific testing first. They have been give four of their people back. I cannot believe they have to wait to get their own ancestors back. Those remains are their people and they are entitled to be put to rest in their won country with their own people. The museum is treating them as curious objects. I am sorry the aborigines have to be treated in such a hurtful manner and be denied the right to own their own people. I want the mediation to work but there shouldn't be any mediation. The right thing to do is obvious.

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