
Saturday, April 28, 2007

It's still only a drop in bucket

It's still only a drop in bucket : "Water Security minister Karlene Maywald said the rain was no excuse to waste water. 'All South Australians are still encouraged to conserve water where possible,' she said."

We have been saving water!!! How rude! I had all my pots and buckets in water saving mode and found I had water , water everywhere and still pots and buckets to be emptied onto an already sodden and soaking garden. We are not wasting water. We have been very good and passed on hints and tips. Bit of praise doesn't go astray. I figured the excess would go downhill into the creek which has been as dry as a bone. We have had so much rain and I know it will take heaps to change reservoirs, Goolwa and the farming areas...but we were out digging channels because we had minor flooding in the gardens. As soon as it eased up you could hear us out there trying to quickly ease the flood before the next downpour. It is so different! My BBQ area was under 15cm of water. That's never happened. It just couldn't run off fast enough and the accumulated dust and sirt was just blocking things so quickly...but it's all clean now and the whole landcsape will cahnge. The birds were out today and looking a bit bemused but happy. It is great to have the rain but how different is it?! We were basking in all the sunshine and blue skies!!

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