
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Most people don't respond to heart attack warning

Study finds most people don't respond to heart attack warning signs. : "'Others were embarrassed to make a fuss and call the ambulance.

'Many people think it won't happen to them and many people simply don't know of the warning signs of heart attack.'"

Bit of a worry! This is why we have a visual world with fancy technology. I believe people would be worried about diverting an ambulance from something important. I also believe that people do not belive they are having a heart attack when they are. Then, my Dad thought he had one, had it diagnosed as indigestion, went on an interstate trip and had a second far more serious one. He knew. I think people know but go into denial. So with all our fancy technology we can podcast, make videos to download, use ads on TV , and we can get the information out to people in a visual way . I believe they'd better educate themselves this way and then act when they had to.

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