
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Four young lives snuffed out in the hell that is Iraq

Four young lives snuffed out in the hell that is Iraq: "IT IS the wasted potential that stands out. A 19-year-old still to complete her A-levels. An Oxford graduate already singled out for promotion despite her youth. A committed family man with two small boys, and a 19-year-old man remembered for always having a 'smile on his face and a sparkle in his big blue eyes'."

This opening paragraph is very moving and puts the real face on it. So young. So very young and now so very lifeless. No more. They cannot be replaced. Iraq sucks up life and money and while politicians talk and talk about what it is or isn't, more lights are going out on our planet. This is what we have done. This is our choice. For as long as we fail to right this wrong we are sacrificing more young people. More and more. How many more? Why would we choose that because we are starting to create a world where young life is being wasted in so many ways and places. At Easter this is one thing we could really think about.

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