'Ugly parent syndrome' blamed as coach banned : "Victoria police Superintendent Mick Williams said the images were 'disturbing' and police held concerns for the girl's safety."
I started watching this on the French news and I was so disturbed, yes, it is very disturbing, I stopped listening and didn't even realise it was his daughter. His daughter. It's the cowering which got me and then when he pulls at her top and I thought she was going to have her swimming costume ripped off in front of the cameras. I know people get angry. I know angry people sometimes have a reason and I know they can get physical. But she was cowed. She was shrinking and then bending over...and her top was pulled right away from her. As a father he may have a lot of pent up frustration because he is trying to get his daughter to be so good. I don't even know why he was angry. We have had so many swimming events beamed into our homes from all over the world. I have watched so many of them. Some coaches shout. Some have a real poker face. Some are just depressed. I have not seen this. There was a tennis father who used to berate his daughter. People just do not perform well under these conditions. The person who is angry thinks they are making them get sense in their head. They just make them nervous wrecks. I guess Bob and Jillian and Shannan and Michelle frome The Biggest Loser show how you can use measured anger to lift the bar. You can express some pretty tough emotions without cowing people. Our football coaches can do it too when the team loses but the men are not cowed. I hope this is resolved because he needs all the help he can get and the young girl needs to be built up in confidence. It will be tricky because it is her father. Whatever else he is, he is her father and therefore significant in his impact or his absence. I'd should like to know she will be okay when she goes elsewhere with him because that wasn't resolved for the tennis girl. I also think it's a good reminder to all of us as parents that we need to think about how we manage our children. We cannot be perfect, but I think we need to get behaviours reflected back to us so we can see what it looks like...and then we will think about how we behave towards anyone, especially our children.
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