
Monday, February 12, 2007

190,000 sick after Jakarta flood

190,000 sick after Jakarta flood : "'Most of the displaced suffer from diarrhoea, dengue, severe respiratory problems. The number of out-patients is 190,000 and in-patients is 510,' Rustam Pakaya said.

Fears lingered that disease could spread as people stay in cramped emergency shelters or move back into houses often lacking clean water, plumbing and power."

You would think the tsunami would have been more than enough for one country to deal with. Indonesia just keeps having to deal with floods, earthquakes, land slides...and I know some of it is just the nature of the country. Some of it will be deforestation and some of it will be lack of infrastructure to protect the land and the people. I just don't know how they keep withstanding it all and managing just to keep carrying on. When you see them on the news in the flood areas everyone is just doing their bit to get the problems solved. I hope they do not think we do not care. We have been watching and noticing and a lot of Australians are still going to Bali to support the people there. Indonesia is a close neighbour and it just atounds us how much they have to put up with and how much they just get on with it.

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