How to defeat the time bandits : "Scottish sci-fi writer Charlie Stross recently claimed that he reads more while scanning his morning bookmarks than most 18th-century readers would have got through in a year. And time-management expert Hugh Kearns, a mental health lecturer who heads the Flinders University staff development unit, says technology is making us work harder, not smarter."
Yes, we were reluctant to go back to work. It is about organisation, planning, filing, documenting, accounting. It is not abpout people and no amount of organising is going to make it better. Who wants to fit MORE crap into their life? We've woken up. Computers can be great but we have to have back up to the back ups of the back ups. Files have to be carried in various formats to ensure one will work. Each machine is different. You can work at home and then find the workplace stuff is down or wouldn't accept the stuff you emailed so then it's all done differently. We spend much of our time duplicating because files are lost, mangled, won't work. Then the system is down or cannot be accessed. Emails stack up, you are forced to look at stuff you don't want to because the spam starts coming through again. Then there is the constant need to be flashier and flashier on a computer and each type of software takes time to learn but you are still expected to be good at video, imaging, text, spreadsheet. The expectations increase. We HAVE woken up. The overcommitment has to go. It's ruining our lives , making us stressed and forcing us to work all the time.
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