
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Wired News: Rants: Lies, Damn Lies, Semantics

Wired News: Rants: Lies, Damn Lies, Semantics:

"Here's what a few of you had to say about some of our recent stories."

Wired has brought us another fantastic year of discoveries, ideas, new technology, new much to think about and find out. It is a great site for discovery learning but it also makes you think. It just gets better and they have not missed their point with this post either. One of the things I love about blogs and the Net is people just get right into it. They let it rip when they have something to say. They express themselves very clearly and incredibly eloquently at times. A blogger on a mission is a force to be reckoned with and a commenter with a point is a powerful writer indeed. The blogosphere continues to prove that the keyboard is mightier than the sword. For the most part it is done in good faith. Occasionally you get a destructive unit or a dopey spammer, but by and large people on the Net have a real capacity to express themselves and an understanding that you may or may not agree with them and that this isn't a problem. This post at Wired says it all because the people are so typically special in their responses and we are so much better for this type of open communication. May we continue to freely express ourselves and stand corrected or supported by our blogging companions. May Wired keep on keeping on.

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