
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Space shuttle Discovery lands safely.

Space shuttle Discovery lands safely. :

"The shuttle made a fiery re-entry into Earth's atmosphere and a long glide to touchdown at the seaside landing strip shortly after 5:30pm local time, bringing home a seven-member crew that included Germany's Thomas Reiter, who had spent the past six months at the ISS."

Oh, don't worry, I have been keeping tabs on this shuttle and I cannot believe the sheer determination and pioneering spirit of NASA and the crew members. I was having kittens when they were out trying to get that solar panel down. What if they fell off? What if they floated away? What if they dangled hopelessy in space? I was beside myself. I just don't know where they get the courage to do these things and seemingly take it all in their stride. They are a magnificent inspiration to us all and NASA is very on the ball when it comes to innovation and initiative. It must be so enthralling for littlies to see all of this on their screens when they do show us pictures. This is just so awesome and awe inspiring and I am so glad they have come home safely and in time for Christmas. Faaaantastic!!

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