
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Shoppers start late gift rush

AdelaideNow... Shoppers start late gift rush:

"'We can have extremes of weather and it makes no difference, because people are on a mission,' he said."

Well, they must have been out late last night shopping because Adelaide was so quiet this morning and I had the supermarket all to myself except for one man who came in to buy 6 boxes of matches!! The girls told me it had been full on and they were glad to have a bit of quiet time this morning. Harvey Norman's was a different matter. I was over there about 9.30 and everyone was there getting what they wanted and they clearly knew what it was they were going to buy. The sales assistants were falling in with that so it all worked well. The one thing I have really enjoyed about shopping this year for Christmas is that it has been a real community effort. It's been so friendly and happy wherever I have been. The shop assistants have been cheerful and helpful but happy to talk about their Christmas plans too. As customers we have done the unusual thing of commenting on each other's choices and offering helpful hints. We have talked about our mad weather but we all have back up plans for the nutty weather should it go awry over Christmas. We are just happy to be together and share our personal experiences. For many it has meant they are able to cope better . When they are stressing we are all talking and so the load lightens. Shoppers are not feeling so isolated, alone and under pressure. One thing we do do well in Adelaide when we want to , is getting that friendly family feel going. We are clear about what we want, but we are open to suggestion too. I've given recipes to people as I have stood in line and couldn't believe myself, but they've given me their Christmas tips too. It has been truly great and the shop assistants I have met seem to be valuing the fact they are included too!

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