
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Wireless Router

I feel like I have been living in the dark ages! I know I am slow to pick up on techno wizardry but I do kick myself when I get there. It's not as if I am averse to technology. On the contrary. I love my gadgets. I just don't like the brand new stuff until I get it and then I am wildly enthusiastic!! Explain that to me. Took me ages to get rid of my brick phone and even though I now love my new mobile, it's not next generation. It's just got pictures on the screen. I didn't realise it had a camera and when I first got it this thing lit up and lo and behold there was a lovely photo of my sheepskin slippers. I tried to get rid of it and then somehow it ended up as wallpaper. Cool phone, heh, with my daggy old slippers on it? True to form I went and got my booklet, then my digital camera and took a photo of some strawberries which are now my phone wallpaper. Bit more me and slightly more dignified.

Every Christmas since I have been working, I buy myself a Christmas present. Something for my home and to improve my lifestyle. The ritzy microwave I got last year is brilliant. Has so modernised my world. Well this year I was thinking...and we have two desktops and two laptops and only one on the Net. The swanky laptop I finally got around to getting myself has wireless internet I thought a router would be the very thing. Ah...except I knew NOTHING about routers. Well, here it is. I took a punt and I did a bit of routers for dummies on the Net and this is my present and I love it. In time I shall realise what I should have bought but, I tell you, there is no toe tapping and finger thrumming at home as people wait for the ensconced one to get off the Net. This is Net heaven. This humble router has brought me forward a few light years!!

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