
Monday, December 11, 2006

Snail toxin offers pain relief hopes

Snail toxin offers pain relief hopes. :

"A sea snail from the Great Barrier Reef could be set to revolutionise pain relief treatments.

University of Queensland researchers have found a toxin in the marine creature Conus marmoreus has the ability to target chronic pain without severe side effects."

We are thinking laterally with our research and our research seems to be targeting the areas we need to address. If sea snails can deliver the goods in pain relief without side effects, then this will be a major break through. So far the testing has been carried out on rats. There is a way to go yet. pain can cause such misery and can make it impossible for someone to live a normal life. We may have ways of treating medical problems, but a lot of people have to manage long term pain. We do have some effective pain management practices but I know form frinds who are in constant pain that there needs to be something which can alleviate the pain without creating other problems. It would make such a difference, Hopefully the sea snail research will come up with a viable solution.

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