
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas meme

Better late than never. I have discovered this over at Pavlov's Cat...and since I love a good meme or I go!!

1)Do you have a tree, and if so what is hanging on it?

Yes, green and synthetic because I cannot stand the smell of pine trees and I am not good at vacuuming the bits. I have everything hanging on the tree. Some beautiful strawberry decorations , some Victorian, home made ones, ones chosen by children, some ghastly yellow things I thought were okay at the time. A star at the top, the compulsory singing choir non gender specific person, a lovely Spanish senorita, a hideous pink thing which my daughter loves , some cool twirly , glittery pink and gold baubles, and this year…some nice eggs which look a bit Russian. Each year I buy new ornaments…and try and get rid of the kitschy ones…but the tree is loaded!…oh and lots of tinsel.

2) What's the most successful bit of Christmas cooking you've done so far?

Definitely the Christmas dinner which was a big success. Roast turkey thigh roll, roast turkey breast roll, roast rosemary lamb and the hit was the roast pumpkin and chickpeas with garlic and lemon pepper. We had bean salad with lots of tomato and capsicum. It was actually not as heavy on the stomach and great for our cold Christmas weather. The lebkuchen without the butter but lots of taste walked off the serving plate.

3) And the least successful?

Hm…I don’t think the sausage rolls were very flash this year....and the white balls with I think nougat in them were disgusting.

4) Which bit of your Christmas shopping are you happiest with?

My sister’s Lo’Jo CD…but I did pretty well this year and am proud of my efforts.

5) Have you opened any of your presents yet? What was it / were they?

Yes, because I found this meme on Boxing Day. I have had DVDs, CDs, lots of lotions and potions, framed photos of flowers, chocolate, strawberry ornaments. Sarah Brightman DVD was pretty special. I got a lovely organiser and special writing tools as well.

6) Do you have any bad Christmas associations that will have to be tackled?

No more. I have been to hell and back for various reasons at various times in my life…but it’s passed and I am so over it. Awful, so awful...but last year we rescued some lady and some little kid walking down the street who were having a rotten time of it and because we knew how that felt we talked her through it, kept her safe and resolved the worst of it for her.

7) What's your favourite carol? Why?

Hark the Herald Angels sing
…I got brought up on it and We wish you a Merry Christmas.I am always humming or whistling that one. I love carols because we can all sing along and it doesn’t matter who sings in tune and who doesn’t. They make you bond!!

8) Which part of your Christmas plans is most likely to go awry?

Nothing went awry…but we had a day of electrical glitches and a teapot handle which just plain broke. The stereo went all crackly and disgusting, the computer monitor faded…and a whole heap of scalding tea went down the front of me…ouch!!! Was good for the tea and sympathy vote. No, this Christmas was pretty good.

9) What's your most favourite thing about Christmas?

The people. The company. The laughs….and no one comes between me and the pudding!

10) What's your least favourite thing about it?

When it’s bad…it really is bad and very distressing.

11) What Christmassy thing have you seen or heard in the street or on the teeve or in the blogosphere that has
(a) touched your heart

I watched Shameless last night and even though it wasn’t about Christmas it was pretty shameless but so cuttingly true and I felt very upset for the little girl and thought she was amazing.It gave a real insight into the complexity and humanity of dysfunction and how you just can't legislate to fix it.People have to fix it.

(b) hit a nerve

Oh my, we really do need to be VERY careful with our resources. There were some Christmas decorations which were so bad and so unnecessary and poorly conceived they were traumatising to look at!!! I still don’t know what the misshapen pink plastic faces with the black blobs and hideous expressions were and the giant silver glitter birds with a big white feather poked up their rear end were not a pretty sight.

or (c) made you want to barf?

The number of needless and pointless road deaths.

12) Who do you wish you had contacted to say Happy Christmas but haven't so far?

I should have contacted my cousin Sue but I ran out of time…I have resolved to contact her for the New Year!!

Okay, folks, that's it. Feel free to carry on!

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