
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Airport boss hits back

AdelaideNow... Airport boss hits back:

"An Australian Competition and Consumer Commission report ranks the year-old facility's service and quality behind Brisbane and Perth airports, both built more than a decade ago.

But Adelaide Airport managing director Phil Baker says the rankings are '`ridiculous'."

I used the new airport on my last trip, and , as I said, it was a great airport to come home to. It was so easy to negotiate and was so open, artistic and airy. The parking nightmares were gone, which was a boon for those who were my taxi service. It doesn't have a lot of swish shops, but it has some good eating and srinking, some nice shops and the whole feel is very civilised. I like Sydney but you have a really long haul to get anywhere. I like Tullamarine but it is confusing to negotiate. Adelaide was clean, fresh and really pleasant. The views were superb and the service very pleasant. I do not care what rating we have, to be honest. I think it is a great airport for us to have and a real relief to get to at the end of a long haul. Before it was always terribly quaint. Now it's easy on the eye and less is more! Lots more. Posted by Picasa

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