
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Noarlunga receives UN Healthy Cities award

AdelaideNow... Town receives UN Healthy Cities award:

"'Noarlunga has been implementing Healthy Cities projects since 1987, including tackling major health issues linked to unemployment, developing multicultural activities, and addressing water quality and other environmental health issues,' the WHO said."

Noarlunga....well done!! It has been busy and it's nice and obvious. The health centre and drop in centres run a lot of health activities and information sessions. The health village has been very actively involving the community in better health and the hospital also engages clients very easily once they are in the door whether as patients or visitors. The mental health services have improved and are really very good and the skills in that area are impressive. The shopping centre is very recycling conscious and they were right behind the dumping of plastic bags and getting us all to use cloth bags. But areas like Beach Road are noticeably cleaner and more inviting and the whole area is starting to lift. I have enjoyed reading about how the students at the local High School developed and integrated the knowledge and skills of indigenous people into their curriculum. Some of that stuff is really innovative . Good on Noarlunga!!

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