
Friday, September 01, 2006

Plea for cramp relief

AdelaideNow... Plea for cramp relief:

"'To see someone struggle so much physically at the end is not the way for a match of such a high standard to go,' Agassi said."

I agree. I am not sure why cramp is not allowed to be treated. It seems rather barbaric to me. I don't see how having cramp stopped can be seen as being given an advantage. Cramp is paralysing. But tennis has some very barbaric rules and it was a match over here that saw Agassi win under some hideous tennis rulings. A match against Pat Rafter. I watched it all and it was awful. So painful and so upsetting. We had had unusually humid weather . Really humid. It was hot and humid and the two of them slugged it out. If it rains , a match is called off. The massive humidity in the heat should have been enough to call it off. When we sat there and watched the pair of them in total physical discomfort , we knew it was absolutely wrong. Pat Rafter was pouring sweat like he was in a shower. Some men just sweat. His electrolytes must have been sent haywire. Agassi was really strained but he was not sweating as much. Pouring that much sweat had to be dangerous. There was utter silence as the match went on and all you could hear was the huff of breath as the ball was hit and the hits became heavier and the huffs became bigger. They both looked awful but Pat Rafter was really , really suffering and Agassi was just a man of steel. Agassi won but we were all aware the whole match was wrong and no one should have played that final in those conditions. Agassi takes no pleasure in beating someone who is at a disadvantage physically because he is impeccable in his approach to a tournament. He wants to win fair and square on an even tennis court. But he has shown himself to be utterly resilient and soooo together. He deserves all his honours and accolades because he is decent. Just so talented and decent.

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