AdelaideNow... Santos sets drug rules:
"The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction, however, has warned substance testing at work was not effective in deterring alcohol or drug use."
You get what you are prepared to accept. We haven't been prepared to accept smoking at work and things have changed. I'd say for the better. I do not think I have the right to run someone else's life and I think there has to be a bit of give and take, but smoking at work is not tolerated. Why should drugs and alchohol be tolerated? They too lead to unpleasant and unsafe practices. We have allowed drugs and alcohol to become part of the mainstream if it is true that 1 in 5 Australians is using drugs or alcohol at work. I agree with the article that Santos is setting a reasonable corporate example. There is education, there is outside consultation and there is a clear but non judgemental position. There isn't a place for drugs and alcohol at work. If it doesn't stem the use of drugs and alcohol then we need to look at that in a different arena as we have with the smoking. All these things are doing us harm when they are out of hand and we can show that. I think we have lost our boundaries and I think we have lost the balance. It is up to all of us to put it right. If people are engaging in things at home which are not hurting the workplace and other human beings then that is okay. We keep forgetting in Australia that drugs are illegal and I think we need to rethink that position. Smoking has virtually become illegal by consensus and most people have a drink or happy hours at work. It's a sociable thing. It's about balance and a clearer picture.
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