
Friday, August 04, 2006

Australia behind on environment

AdelaideNow... Australia behind on environment:

"Dr Green said Australia was yet to sign on to an international project to research how fusion energy, formed when hydrogen atoms react with each other, could be produced safely and efficiently. The U.S., China, Japan, Russia and Europe are already part of the project."

I think we need a wake up call about energy and better using resources. We are bit of the mentality that it doesn;t apply to us. By the same token we have made some good inroads into recycling and water saving. We do need to make energy saving more obvious as a way of life because we are good when we are shown the way. We take a lot for granted . Solar energy needs to be better promaoted so we can see how we can incorporate it. It should be standard on new houses. Wind energy could be better utilised. We are very much a throw away society because we have to much. We need to be more careful since it has bred people who just litter at will and it is not their problem. We have to stop making excuses for squandering and we need to reconsider the waste not want not approach. Fusion energy is going to be big once it is properly developed so I am told by a scientist friend. We need to stop looking at the low level approach and aim ourselves and our brains a bit higher.

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