
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Boy's phone porn suspension 'excessive'.

Boy's phone porn suspension 'excessive'. :

"'While P&C Federation hates to criticise individual schools, it does seem a bit extreme given the situation,' Ms Canty said."

Okay so technology has replaced print texts. What would be reasonable were it a magazine at school? Are the year 5s entitled to remain innocent children in 2006? Are the parents who send their children to school and who are trying to guide them through all the unsolicited unseemliness which comes up in the media expecting their children can download porn at school or be invited to watch it? Is that why they are sending their children to school? What would a reasonable parent do? What is the school equivalent? We get what we are prepared to accept and I don't think 12 year olds should have mobiles to show off porn pictures at school. Where are our boundaries and how long do we have to put up with children being exploited? The school cannot be judged out of context. I sound like Mary Whitehouse, I know, but I am really tired that kids have no idea and the community has to keep explaining to them and in the meantime the damage is done. What would happen if I showed workmates porn pictures on a mobile phone or a computer? It means you can do what you want , suffer no consequences and be set theory. What about not doing it in the first place and knowing appropriate behaviour for different social situations? And what is wrong with repecting others and just letting them live in a world where they don't have dubious things foisted upon them? What if he were showing the pictures off on a bus?

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