Youpi!!!!! Woo-hoooo!!! Yeah!!! I can't believe it. This is so exciting. Such an achievement for my discovery learning and I am so darn proud of myself. 20 000 clickers! Unbelievable. When I started just under 2 years ago I couldn't even get the times right on my blog, had no idea how to post photos, couldn't reformat without crashing everything... and had a stat counter which stuffed up big time. StatCounter, which I have used since, has been so great as have all my visitors and the other little programmes I use to blog along. For all the complaints I have heart about Blogger, I have to say they have been most helpful to me and I accept they muck up sometimes too. Human. Not too often though. I have done so much, achieved so much and used to be so envious of those who had sites with over 20 000 on the site meter. Well, there you go and here I am. I have suffered blog frustration, blog depression, bloggers block, blog despair. I have worked through it all. I have also had a lot of blog satisfaction , blog joy and blog excitement. Today is blog excitement!!! Grand merci and thank you to all my clickers.
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