
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Plan to cut truants' Centrelink payments criticised.

Plan to cut truants' Centrelink payments criticised. :

"'Students are paid to attend school so this is the appropriate instrument to deal with issues of attendance, no one has to lose their payments.

'Where students are absent all they have need to do is make sure that a note in provided.'"

School have always been there and peole are supposed to go to school. Parents claim a tax payment for having students who are studying full time. There also seem to be payments made to students. Asking school to accomodate to the whims and fancies isn't going to work. When we go to work we have to work within the company expectations. Our job is what we are paid for. We can have some input but not much. Come on. Kids have had to go to school and our teachers wouldn't be popular overseas if they were so hopeless. If students are paid to go to school they need to be there. If their parents are claiming tax benefits for having full time students , then they have to be there at school. Illness, family trauma or whatever can be catered for within this. Sorry to say this but part of strengthening yourself as a human being is managing what you are expected to do and adapting your personality to those who are your colleagues . Until now Austrlaians have been really very good at this. Why indulge some students when the bulk of them appear to trot off to school maybe not wildly enthusiastic but knowing,at least, they can gain from it?

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