
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Crows set to swoop on injured Eagles

Crows set to swoop on injured Eagles. :

"'We keep playing the game on its merits and if we're not good enough on the day - whenever that may be - we accept that and learn and take something out of it.'"

Well, they are going to do a lot of taking and a lot of learning because they lost to the Eagles inspite of some very spirited play. The Eagles were ready for them and kept the ball off them and the Crows did rally, but they actually weren't ready for the ambush!!! Stunning match because it was so hard played and so hard fought. The Crows have had a fabulous season and this is a good lesson because Craig is right, the Eagles are the form side. We lost to them in the premiership last year and the lesson has come back to the Crows because they haven't learned it yet. They have learned so much, they have played so well. They have given us hours of exhuberance and excitement, but to go up a cog, this is the lesson they have to to get on top of a side that can just come out and powerhouse it over a brilliant team!!! Go guys!!

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