
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mill cocky 'is common'

Mill cocky 'is common' :

"'They wake me up first thing every morning,' he said. 'We get 70 or 80 coming in here every day. There's plenty around these parts. The numbers seem to be increasing all the time.'"

Stupid cockies getting in the way of the pulp mill. Get rid of them!! I used to have a lot of parrots in the gum tree. I too used to be woken by parrots. Rosellas, galahs, corellas and some other one I didn't know. Then they decided to cull. They were shot, mangled, maimed and destroyed until now I rarely see a parrot in my gum tree. I had a few rosellas in the nectarine tree over summer. We are disgraceful at treating our wild life with respect. I loved the parrots. I used to drive through flocks of them and it was brilliant. Human beings are very selfish and self serving.

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