
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tough car chase laws introduced

The Advertiser: Tough car chase laws introduced :

"MOTORISTS convicted of leading police on dangerous or high-speed chases face jail terms of up to five years under legislation introduced to State Parliament."

Have we worked out why these people engage in the car chases? That's the behaviour which needs to be broken. If we do not understand that we shall find ourselves down the track with too many people in gaol and I cannot see how that will help. Certainly we need a strong deterrant to the behaviour because it has been increasing and it puts too many people at risk. It's reckless, anti social but it is also dumb. Why would people be dumb? Most drivers do not drive like that because fo the risks to them, to others and then the penalties but we have a small group of people who don't care. It's all instant. Who gives a stuff about consequences? Seems to me we have to work out how that behaviour is triggered so that we break the trigger mechanisms. When people have to work in a job where they have to put themselves at risk, then they will leave the job. Police must be getting sick of the risks they have to take to curb dangerous activitites of people who simply have no way of thinking about the ramifications fo their behaviour.

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