Bloody Brits retaliate with cheeky ad series:
"One of the humorous ads features a disgruntled British fashion designer angry that an Australian will be given the chance to spend six weeks working with fashion industry legends like Alexander McQueen.
At the end of the ad she says: 'I hope you enjoy it, you f***er!'
Shampa Kaiser from the British Council said the ads had been toned down from the originals produced by M&C Saatchi in Australia. 'People generally find them funny. Our target market is 19- to 26-year-olds and the ads have appealed to them.'"
Without going too far, it is time for us all to get our sense of humour back and not be so straight laced. We have an alternate version of our Australian ad which has been circulating the Net . The scenes are spectacular, the comment is spot on and the punch line is bold but how we speak at this British ad. We have roared more at our alternate version than the original. It is always difficult to draw that line. You truly do not want to offend people, but we have srowned in political correctness and then the antithesis to that, the foul mouthed, grossness of it the ads are a great way of finding the balance. Love it, love it.
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