
Friday, April 21, 2006

'Act now' on global warming

'Act now' on global warming :

"While the views of city and country voters were not significantly different, the state-by-state breakdown revealed some disparities.

People in the resource-rich state of Queensland were the least likely to believe it was time for action (61 per cent), but also among the most likely to believe it was already too late (19 per cent)."

It was interesting to read the break down with regard to the opinions of each state. There really are considerable differences. It was also interesting and heartening to see teenagers were taking it to heart. Maybe they are not as skittish as we think. I don't think the bulk of them are. I think the picture is constantly coloured by the extremes. It was also interesting to see how men were rather skeptical of global warming. It's a good start to dealing with it and given the kids are the ones who will have to really come to terms with it because significant others can't be bothered, it's good to know they are interested. I'd like to see this followed up and it would be a good way to get us involved and hopefully moving our butts because 70% actually do think it's time to start dealing with it and that is sooooo right. Very few people shrug their shoulders.

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