
Sunday, March 05, 2006

Families face losing homes

The Advertiser: Families face losing homes :

"HUNDREDS of South Australians face losing their homes amid a sharp rise in the number struggling to meet mortgage repayments.

Welfare groups say rising petrol, electricity and property taxes, combined with rising interest rates and banks offering easy credit, will force more to forfeit their homes."

Yes, one of the neighbours who has his children over at the weekend and some of the holidays and who has a reasonable job cannot keep his home and his child payments going. He needs the cash to pay gas, electricity and food and so is going back to renting. Last winter he had no heating because he couldn't afford it. He can afford his car and outings like fishing and picnics for the children. He is not at all extravagant and we have tried to help where we can without being too obvious, but he tells me he is going to sell. Just when he was so pleased to have a nice home to bring the kids to and a bit of space for them to play footie and skateboard. He has been trying to get a better job to earn more money but it just hasn't happened. It's sad. It's sad to see people make a go of it and then they just don't have ute enough to get through the early bit of the mortgage.

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