
Friday, March 03, 2006

Dolphins die in WA stranding.

Dolphins die in WA stranding. :

"CALM says it will test tissue samples from the dead dolphins to help determine why they became stranded and how they died.
They seem to have saved about 10 of the 40 strnaded dolphins. Stranded whales and dolphins seem to be a problem and we keep coping and we keep trying to help them...but there is a reason peole keep finding these stranded things on our coast. It's sad. I wish we knew why because they are all just dying. Our world has become so destructive . No wonder popel are just selling up , buying a big car and heading off. Another set of neighbours are on their way to wherever. We can't keep living in a world which is demoinstrably so oblivious to happiness and well being. We keep trying to fix it but it keeps coming up with destruction. Isn't it time we got to the bottom of it all? It was never like this.

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