
Friday, March 24, 2006

Oily fish

Independent Online Edition > Health Medical:

"Now a major new study suggests the advice was wrong. Scientists who reviewed no fewer than 89 studies of omega 3 fats, the key constituent of fish oils thought to protect against heart disease, found no clear evidence that they are of any use at all."

Here we go again. When will they get it right. Eat butter. Don't eat butter. Eat eggs. Don't eat eggs. Eat meat. Don't eat meat.Drink coffee. Don't drink coffee. Eat oily fish...don't eat oily fish. They always come back to the "in moderation" idea and any sensible eater does eat a variety of food and in moderation. So why the hype about particular foods at particular times? As for the fish. What a relief!! I am sick and tired of being surrounded by Adelaidians scoffing their tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines , herring and other disgusting smelling lunch offerings. I hate the smell of digusting fish. No one should have to sit in the same place as oily fish fumes. Completely destroys the taste of anything else being eaten by anyone else and the smell lingers. So, hooray. Please now eat the fish in the privacy of your own homes!

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