
Friday, March 24, 2006

Four more Sierra Leone athletes go missing.

Four more Sierra Leone athletes go missing. :

"The African nation's team has formally notified police that two cyclists and two boxers are missing after last being seen yesterday morning, meaning 11 of their athletes and officials are now unaccounted for.

A Tanzanian boxer and Bangladeshi runner have also gone missing."

I seem to remember a weightlifter went missing one time and was spotted on a building site and then deported, but he returned here through the proper channels. I confess we have had a bit of a chuckle about runners of note "doing a runner" and have wondered whether they have tried to escape or if they got lost somewhere because this is a BIG place...or maybe partied out. When they are found we know the stories will be very human and full of touching human truths. We understand why people would want to live somewhere else when their own countries are suffering so much. We all do that and Australia is made up of thousands of people who have joined together to make a better life here and our country has a real strength because it is borne of people who have suffered and had to follow a hard road. I hope the runners are found because it is better than if they are deported. I hope then they will not forget us and make arrangements to come back, which is so hard, that is the thing. Sometimes we just overlook the fact that sometimes it is so hard for people to change their lives because the accident of their birth has given them so much disadvantage. I should like to see this resolved in a positive, compassionate way.

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