
Monday, February 06, 2006

SA to tackle youth crime cycle.

SA to tackle youth crime cycle.:

"The Breaking the Cycle program is aimed at stopping 16 to 20 year-old repeat offenders from graduating to adult crime.

The program has been funded for four years at a cost of $3.5 million."

This really is heartening news and breaking the cycle is crucial. It's hard to know what is so attractive about a life of crime when you are not a criminal. It's important to know what the hooks are, what the attractions are and then maybe a profile of kids at risk. The cognitive restructuting is vital if anyone is going to have a chance of turning themselves around as are finding other rewards in life. Then, it is always useful to have someone in the know working on the ones who have fallen from grace because they know all the tricks and all the pitfalls. If nothing else we are at least making an effort to get kids onto a better path.

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