
Monday, February 27, 2006

Modern Philanthropists

Net benefits -DAWN - The Review; February 23, 2006:

"In BusinessWeek’s most recent annual ranking of the most generous philanthropists, seven of the top 30 made their money in technology. The list, which considers the donations and pledges made by individuals in the past five years, was topped by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, followed by Gates in second place and Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computer, at ninth. Jeff Skoll, the founding president of eBay is 15th; Omidyar is 19th; Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is 25th and Larry Ellison, head of Oracle, is 27th. Outside the top 30, PeopleSoft founder David Duffield is 35th and Netscape co-founder James Barksdale is 48th."

Modern philanthropists are household names and many of them have become rich through technology. They seem to be as agressive in their donations and giving as they are in their business strategies which have made them rich. These new age philanthropits seem to be tackling the sorts of issues which we need fixed as a world. They are taking on health issues, poverty and the development of emerging nations and they are not frightened to get inthere and get involved. They are not easily scared, but why should they be? Oddly enough their business acumen stands them in good stead for showing some real leadership skills in areas which have bogged down humanity for a lifetime . I wish one of them could magic up a solution to Iraq.

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