
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Killer drought threatens to end way of life for nomadic African tribes Killer drought threatens to end way of life for nomadic African tribes:
"The youngsters' wish to break with centuries of family tradition dovetails with the views of famine experts who say education is vital to help the cattle-dependent African societies to cope better with future disasters.

They say man is largely to blame for the crisis, because years of over-grazing have left the impoverished area vulnerable to long spells of dry weather. More schooling would help to diversify livelihoods and ease pressure on the land."

Tribal lifestyles are being threatened everywhere because of the weather and global warming. The South Pacific Islands are facing flooding; areas of Indonesia were hard hit by the tsunami and Africa believes education will help their people become more flexible and less land dependent but the families have to take their children out of school to find water to survive. It would be a terrible loss to the world to lose tribal cultures when , for centures, they have lived with weather and natural phenomena and survived. Suddenly it has all changed. No one should have to starve nor totally lose their lifestyle because of weather.

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