
Monday, February 13, 2006

CSIRO muzzles climate scientists

The Australian: CSIRO muzzles climate scientists :

"In claims to be aired on the ABC's Four Corners program tonight, former CSIRO climate director Graeme Pearman says he was told 'at least a half a dozen times' not to talk publicly when it reflected poorly on government policy."

Surely not. We have a lot of people with a lot of expertise. A country can only stay well informed and on top of any situation if the experts are allowed to air their views, create and lead public discussion. The government is there to lead the people. It is elected by people to govern and is entitled to express views about what it feels we need to know. I really do not think it serves us at all well, neither as a country nor a world, if knowledgeable people feel they cannot discuss their views. It keeps us all ignorant which serves no useful purpose at all.Open debate is the sign of a healthy, positive environment. Gagging people doesn't make things go away. They actually assume more importance.

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