
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Boy soldiers learn to be hairdressers

Boy soldiers learn to be hairdressers :

"Of 100,000 ex-fighters disarmed by the United Nations since the conflict ended in 2003, nearly 12,000 were children — 2,738 of them girls. All but 25 children have been reunited with their families by Unicef and about half are now at school or in skills programmes such as the one in Foya, learning anything from carpentry to pastry making."

It's time for a change. It's time to stop bathing in blood and to turn soldiers into hairdressers, mechanics, landscape gardeners, poets, musicians, techies. Let these boys be whatever they want and I am certain they do not chose death and injury. For centuries we have shed human blood and for what? Someone's short term dazzling light. Time to change how we do things. Time to talk. Time for the Ministry of Peace to get into action and change the outcomes for the human race this millennium or do we just keep repeating that same ole same ole. Pragmatically, the planet can do without these people, we have enough and it's pretty easy to make more people...but ask their mums, their wives, their footy teams. Ask their children. No one has ever made peace through violence. They have done it by talking, negotiation, charter and treaty signing. Put the guns down and pick up your pens. Let the kids have a life.

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